Dried fruits were less expensive than fresh, and he had usually a pot of them, cooked and ready at hand, for they took the place of butter on his bread. 干果要比鲜果便宜,他通常都有一罐,做得好好的,可以随时取用,用它代替黄油涂面包。
And never butter your bread directly from the butter dish. Instead, transfer some butter from the butter dish to your bread plate. 不要直接把面包放在黄油盘里,而是取些黄油放在你的面包碟里。
First, put the butter on a slice of bread. 首先,把黄油涂在一片面包上。
Jeanine: I'm gonna start now at the end of the lash line and let it feather off. Spread the peanut butter onto one slice of bread. Press in the raisins. 珍宁:我准备从眼线位置开始涂,再让其自然散开。把花生酱涂在一片面包上。再在上面铺上葡萄干。
Did you spread butter on the bread? 你在面包上涂黄油了吗?
First put some butter on two slices of bread. 首先放一些黄油在两片面包上面。
Paula: Here you are, some ham, salted eggs, beefsteak, pork chap, butter, bread, steamed dumplings and so on. 你来看,火腿、咸鸡蛋、牛排、猪排、黄油、面包、包子等等。
Spread the peanut butter onto one slice of bread. Press in the raisins. 把花生酱涂在一片面包上。再在上面铺上葡萄干。
As there's no butter, we shall have to content ourselves with dry bread. 既然没有奶油,我们只好吃干面包了。
To slather butter on toast They spread bread with butter. 在烤面包上涂大量奶油他们把奶油涂在面包上。
Would you please dab butter over the bread for me? 请你帮我在面包上抹点黄油好吗?
Pretzel, German beer bread, Frankfurt bread, soft roll, hard roll, whole wheat bread, multigrain bread Portion butter and assorted jams, salted bread sticks, salted mini pretzel. 椒盐脆饼,德国啤酒面包,法兰克福面包,软辊面包,硬卷面包,全麦面包,杂粮面包,黄油什锦果酱面包,盐渍面包棒,盐渍迷你饼干。
He spreaded the butter thickly on his bread. 他在面包上涂了厚厚的一层黄油。
Please butter my bread. 请给我的面包涂上奶油。
Request unsalted butter for your bread. 要求面包上使用无盐黄油。
Her mother looked at her for a few seconds and then said," When I was a small girl like you, Lucy, I was always given either bread and butter, or bread and jam, but never bread with butter and jam. " 母亲看了女儿几秒钟,随即说道,“露茜,当我象你一样小的时侯,老是吃面包加黄油,或者面包加果酱,从来没有面包既加黄油又加果酱。”
Butter quiche dish, then sprinkle all over with bread crumbs. 乳蛋饼盘内刷上黄油,并撒满面包屑。
At his age, when I got hungry, I made myself peanut butter and jam on white bread and got into Harvard. 在他那个年龄,当我饿了,我只会自己做花生酱,然后塞进白面包,而我进了哈佛。
Spackled some butter over my whole-grain bread. 在我的全麦面包上抹了些许黄油。
The children eat piles of butter on their bread. 孩子们吃面包爱多抹黄油。
Well, first put some butter on a slice of bread. 首先,在面包片上抹上些黄油。语境。
He, quickly, gathered up his camping gear, a jar of peanut butter, a loaf of bread, a bottle of water, and this time* his schoolbooks. 很快地,他收拾起他的露营设备,一罐花生奶油,一块面包,一瓶水并且这次还带上了教科书。
Do you butter your bread on both sides? 你在面包的两面都涂黄油吗?
Repeat with remaining butter and bread. 剩余的面包也如此炮制。
Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread. 黄色的牛油,紫色的果冻,红色的果酱,黑色的面包。
You should spread butter only on the piece of bread you are about to eat ( not on all the bread on your plate). 你只能在要吃的面包块上涂黄油(其他盘子里的面包不用)。
Ok. A smoked herring, some vegetable salad and a piece of butter bread, please. 那给我来一份熏鲱鱼,一些蔬菜沙拉和一片黄油面包。